Arthur Moon: Chaos! Chaos! Chaos!

Design, photography, and art direction for the avant-pop group Arthur Moon’s second studio album and record, Chaos! Chaos! Chaos! The band’s lead, Lora-Faye Åshuvud, wrote this album as a chaotic exploration of queerness and gender. The album’s design is very photo-heavy and picks up motifs in the lyrics to create surrealistic imagery and embrace organized chaos — sometimes beautiful and grotesque. The visuals work hard to embody the band’s music and tone. As Lora-Faye told Brooklyn Magazine, “I wanted to make a record that felt like it expressed the cohesiveness of all that in one experience, but also this fractured incoherence of that experience.” Buy the record here.

When the album’s record sleeve is opened up completely, the photos on the front cover reveal the record’s title, Chaos! Chaos! Chaos!, abstractly written out in objects.

On the inside of the sleeve, instead of classically labeling the record sides a and b, the sides are labeled with eggs and orange imagery (which also correspond to the artwork on the vinyl record inside). Inside the sleeve with the vinyl record, you will find a 24-page booklet that includes bizarre imagery, grotesque recipes, iconic quotes, lyrics to all of the songs, and the record “Nutritional Facts” (aka – credits).

These quotidian objects have created a visual language and system that has encompassed all aspects of the album release — this includes not only the album itself but is also carried through the single release covers, videos, posters, t-shirts, and stickers released in tandem with the record.

The images were also translated into videos for select singles. These videos played on Spotify and were used across social assets.